For some reason or another, this is the only photo I got to upload from my phone to the website. I blame it on the people at Applebees for cursing me but what can you do? Grandpa knows what I mean. Here is Katie and Grandpa making the face on the pumpkin. I think Zach had a different interpretation of "making a face" and that is the outcome of this photo.
Want to thank all the fine family members this past week for making Hudson/Stow a happening place to call Fall Break. We had some fine frolic and fun. The sleepovers for the kids were the best part I think. Katie is still talking about how much fun it was to eat chocolate chips at 10 at night. Otherwise, Mom would be mad. :) And how about the picture contest the girls drew of Grandpa? What great artists we have in this family and I truly mean that. Those girls drew better than any of us Holman siblings could. I think they got those artist genes from Stringers and Nurkiewicz's. :)
Zach is already making plans to go back to Henry's basement. They have shaker cars there and lots of fast cars. Sounds like alot more fun then the My Little Ponies he is used to playing with here. Maybe Santa will be kind to him and update his car collection. He also liked playing with Caroline although she "did not talk much". But who could get a word in edgewise with Zman around to tell you every inner thought he has? I am sure your homes were much quieter after we, and I mean he, left.
Thank you Rob and Erica for the fine meal. Thank you Judy and Bill for the lunch from Heinen's. Thanks to the parents for putting up with us and for Dad for cleaning out the trashcans full of tissue after we left. Next year, we will try not to bring bronchitis with us. But how can you keep us away from all your fun?
Much love.
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