Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What I am Thankful For....by Katie Nurkiewicz
Nation, Megan my dog,
Using my pencil,
Riding my bike,
Katelyn my Friend,
I Love my Family,
Eating rice,
Water Park,
Ice Cream yummmmmmmmmm,
Cool grass in my backyard,
Zoo trips with my mom and my little brother.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Astro Boy Zach
btw, he does not want to see the movie in the theater for it looks "way too scary".
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Turkey Run Revisted
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Zach's First Day of School
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer is Officially Over
Free....as Katie got on the bus this morning at our usual stop, we ushered in a new school year of 2nd grade. Our teacher is Mrs. Dettemer and we are excited about this school year. Fun times and lots of hugs are promised in this classroom and that is exactly what Katie is needing after two years of very tough teachers. The added bonus was finding out her best bud, Katelyn now rides the bus since the bus routes have all been changed. Things are looking good for Katie.
Zach starts Gymnastics PreK tomorrow and then his PreK program on September 9th. He is looking forward to going back to school and hates to see Katie go on the bus in the morning. And it is just day 1!
Soccer Season is ON!
Zach's practices are on Tuesday evenings and Katie has practice on Thursdays. Jeff has graciously stepped in as Asst Coach for Katie's team. Zach will be my guy as we watch him run around with the five other boys that play on his U5 team. (That's kids under 5.) His league has 14 teams and we will play them all. Our first 4 games will be next weekend and the fall will get into full swing. Look for more postings on how the teams are doing.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I Want to Live at Kings Island.
Zach Plays Soccer
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy 4th to Zach and America!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Summer Fun
I am finally getting a chance to sit down and summerize our Summer thus far. June has been a giant ball of blurry fun. We have kept the good times rolling here . The proof are the two kids on Destin beach showing off some of the gymnastics lessons we have put them through. I was pretty proud at how well these two guys got along with each other this trip. Zach has been a little more expressive and Katie shows her kind soul off by giving in to some of the craziness of a preschooler world.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Destin News
But this is still the middle of the trip....
Lots of fishing, boating and shopping in store for us in the next few days. We are having a blast down here and are so proud of our kids as they make friends with the kids at the pool and giggle at bedtime as they share a bedroom. Pictures will be posted later as I am using Jeff's work laptop on location. :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Katie Drives the Ball
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Zach Gets In Touch With Nature and Katie Scores More Goals
Zach is being extra gentle with the squishy toad. Mom tells him it is a good idea to put him back home by the bush.
We had a good week here. Lots of fun with soccer and various animals. Katie had Young Author's Night on Thursday where she read a book she wrote. Her teacher was very impressed with her creativity and let Katie take the book home to work extra on the story.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Zach at Gymnastics Class and Katie's Stats in Soccer
This is what our son is doing at his gymnastics class. I know I have been posting a bit on Katie and her rockin soccer season but thought the boy should have a little air time as well. This was a special class that they showed off to the parents and then was awarded a medal at the end. Zach was excited to get one because he has been eyeing Katie's medals and trophies wondering when he would start earning them. Hmmmmm. If it was for reading, then he would have a few. But if it was for coordination and stamina, then it may be awhile for Zach. He is still getting the hang of things....except for throwing a baseball or football. That he has down since he was 18 mos and I have the crooked nose to prove it. Or was that from my brothers throwing stuff at me as a kid? Okay...some little guy in my life is to blame for my nose. :):):)
Katie's 2nd Soccer game was a good one as well. Coach put her on as the "Sweeper" and she enjoyed kicking the crap out of the ball and driving it away. Our team won 4-1 and the girls all had a great time at this late game. Next weekend we have a game on Sat morning and another one late Sunday afternoon. This gives mom a chance to wash the extra socks and shorts for our next performance.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Pink Panthers Win 11- 9
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Scooping Eggs, ex-Friends, and Bikes
Easter---- Wednesday was the MOPS Easter Brunch that I was able to set up for the gals. Everyone brought some yummy food and my personal favorite was the fruit Jen brought that I could of sworn tasted like she had lemon juice squeezed on it. Maybe I have been diving into the migraine meds a little too liberally but it was a big hit with everyone. Zach pounded a bowl of the yummy berries after the clean-up crew ( me and two other girls) made the rounds. Fun day and I was able to take some of the tulips home with me when one of my prize recipients did not claim her prize. The pie lady also provided me another free pie for a door prize. I was very lucky this year to have so many cool things to give away to my buddies. Only one more meeting in May and I can stick a fork in this year.
Jen and Dave hosted the Nurks this year and provided an incredible Prime Rib he made in his new giant green egg on the porch. The kids found the eggs in the backyard and the grandparents provided some fun toys to play with. If you ask Zach the best part of Easter, he will tell you about the gummies that light up and then you eat them. Kate enjoyed playing fetch with Hannah and finding a jawbone next to the creek in their backyard. Don't worry...it was not human.
Dead Fish and Frog Floating ---- I got a little cocky and posted a pic of my..ahem..the kid's prize beta fish here a couple of weeks ago. Well, I had read that these fish only live about 2 yrs in captivity. Mine made it almost 3 yrs...good ol' Jake. Rest In Peace in the sewer canal that I flushed you in. I am sorry you were probably dead for at least a day or two before I scooped you out. Spike was kinda freakin because he was sharing the water and did not like the stuff floating around the fish condo. Then there was our new friend, Leap. Katie noticed last week that the other frog seemed to hog all the food and not leave any for this little guy. I guess I should of crammed more food in there but I did not want to gorge the poor snail. Lots of stuff to worry about when you are trying to keep the perfect ecosystem. Now we are down to one fat frog. Since they prefer to live with company, I am guessing this guy has about two weeks tops before he bites the giant worm in the sky.
Bike goes boom---- Well I guess I need to do a better job at checking my bike but when I came up the hill from the rail trail on our Easter bike ride, the trailer snapped off and so I pulled over to the side to check out the situation. That is when my bike took a tumble on the sidewalk and I bent the little round part that holds the chain next to the wheel. Man I am cool. I have owned this bike for less than 6 months and will already have it in twice for repairs. Jeff is probably very happy we are refinancing the house. This is how we will pay for all my bike boo-boos.
Okay. Now I am on to an exciting week of volunteering at Katie's school, jazzercise, soccer practice, avoiding headaches and spending money. I live a charmed life and just glad I can pop a pill to keep the fun rollin. Look out 40!!! Here I come!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring has sprung in Ohio

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Trophy for Katie
What was cool about Katie is that the whole time this was happening, she was worrying about a little cut she had on her hand. That is our Katie. Not bashful this time ethier. She did a great job dancing and the Pacer's performance will be on the 20th. Katie and her dance team will be performing at the pre-game show at Conseco Fieldhouse. So us parents get to show up early and take some pictures of our kids with some "Pacerettes" and watch the local TV crews take some footage of them. (Which they will charge us later for a "small" fee.) Zach asked when does he get a trophy and Katie was surprised that her trophy did not look like the Piston Cup from the movie, "Cars". What a riot!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Eddie, Leap, and Gary Move In
Friday, February 27, 2009
Beach Day At Both Schools
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Seeing Brothers Holman Without Leaving Indiana
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
R.I.P Two Hour Naps
Next up, we are working at writing his name. He has the Z down and part of the a. Not bad for a wise little guy.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Nurk vs Nurki
Here is Zach losing his hat in the snowball battle. He was pretty set on staying behind the melted snow fort they built prior to the battle.
Happy to get a snowball over the wall and hitting his target...Dad.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Dolphin Swim Party is a Blast!

Katelyn and Katie posing at the pool. Katelyn is our buddie from the neighborhood and we have been fortunate to play soccer against her many times. These two have a good time! We also Katelyn in the same class the last two years. Yeah!