Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Seeing Brothers Holman Without Leaving Indiana

How lucky I am as the oldest sister to have both my brothers come visit me within a week of each other. Didn't have to drive...except to Patrick's or the Children's Museum...but I will take that any day to have a little Holman fun.

Rob zoomed in week before last for a quick Prime Rib at Patricks and just long enough to learn that he enjoys drinking Stella. This was valuable information which helped me decide what beverage to provide for the other brother during his visit. Of course the standard Mountain Dew and Diet Pepsi was on hand as well.

Bill, Judy, Maddy and Mo arrived on a busy Valentine's Day here at the Nurk household. Everyone had fun on their minds as we took over the local wings place. The kids had fun with the video games and quickly dominated the field. After loading up on fried delicacies, we headed back to watch the recycle bin fill up quickly. And of course laugh at my husband get upset about the TV and then bring on some rockin tunes.
The next day we headed to the Children's Museum to show the Ohio gang what happens when Hoosiers have very little to do on a three-day weekend. It was a little crowded but the kids did not mind and we even got to take in a comic strip workshop and some autism education. All four kids were just perfect. Lots of fun and good times.
Btw, we were/are fighting fever/flu things here. Katie did two weeks ago...Zach did last week and as I am typing, Jeff now has a 102 fever. So I am hoping our Ohio brethren did not take anything more than luggage home with them.
But don't let that stop you! Come back soon y'all. Ya, here???
See ya in March.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maddy was 100.4 degrees last night, but it broke in time for school.

Mo reached 100.7 earlier today, but it was her day off anyway.

They are both bouncing around at the moment, so hopefully it was nothing more than a fever.