Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Fall Season is on!

So we start our day with Zach on one field and Katie on the other field. Both soccer games at 9:30. So I take the camera and follow Zach while Jeff watches Katie on field 5a. As you can see, Zach and his two wing men- Noah and Morgan...carefully discuss their approach to taking on the Green Dragons. For some reason this morning, I like taking pics of Zach just sitting or standing still. What you don't see is Zach and his teammates driving the ball over and over again and feeling pretty good about themselves. They have the height advantage and they have Noah.

Here is the part of the game where the guys try a football hold stance on the soccer kids. This  defense technique works. They were shouting, "EAGLE Spread!" at the poor Green Dragons....the other team could never get a ball pass these three wise guys....

Meanwhile on Field 5A......

Katie plays goalie for awhile and then gets a turn at being half back. She enjoys turning the ball around over and over. Off she goes! Super fast Kate!

That is Zach taking on the Pie Lady's son...Jack. Jack plowed over Zach many times today. Jack was mad at his mom for making pies and not being there...and I think it was the soccer game that tired Zach out or maybe it was all the smack talking he was doing prior to getting mowed over. Could be anything....Otto is in the back as running back. He is the biggest kid out there and the first to pick up Zach over and over. Otto is cool.

So there you have it. Kim's take on the sports of the day. All three teams won that day so that makes it fun. No meltdowns to report or crying. Just a good day overall and everyone slept in on Sunday which means we did not go to church....booo! But Kim was able to download these photos. God wanted it that way. :)

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